🌶️ Pepper Club 🌶️

SEO & Blogging for Creatives

All your SEO.

All your blogging.

All done for you, all year long. 


Pepper Club - SEO & Blogging for Creatives

Hey, I’m Dave! And I know just how busy you are…

…because I also run a creative business.

Another thing I know is that your website has the potential to be a lead magnet machine that delivers valuable content to your engaged audience on a regular basis.

An entrepreneur’s dream? A sh*t-load of work? YES & YES.

But who’s doing it? Not you. It’s your team of friendly experts.

Enter, Pepper Club.

Real quick…

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

Makes your website appear when people search for phrases related to your services.


Boosts SEO while delivering valuable content to potential clients & your existing audience.

👋 Goodbye paid ads & constant social promotion.

👋 Hello organic leads.

More on their MASSIVE advantages for a creative biz in a sec!

What’s Inside The Pepper Club?

We’ve combined our most popular services of SEO & blogging into a year-round membership with a single annual fee.

So you’ll never have to think “Eesh, should I be checking my SEO?” or “Ooh, should I update my blog?”

Wave goodbye to the Eeshs and the Oohs. We’ve got you.


⚡ Website Supercharge

Set your site up for success: Full Keyword Strategy, Health Check & Audit.

⚡ Planning Session

A tailored SEO Strategy with a Content & Keyword Calendar.

⚡ Checks & Reports

We’ll check your site and track your progress with regular SEO reports.

⚡ insta Audit

Bio, handle, title & highlights: All checked to make sure you’re maximising social SEO.

Blogging ✍️

⚡ Regular Articles

Quality, SEO-rich articles written in your brand voice & posted every month.

⚡ Lead Magnets

Turn visitors into leads with brand-focused PDF Lead Magnets.

⚡ Brand Voice Process

We’ll match you with the perfect writer to capture your brand tone.

⚡ Link Building Strategy

Internal & external links in each blog to enhance user experience & boost SEO.

Extras 🙌

⚡ 15% Discount

Across all of our services including Web Copywriting & Bolt-On Blog Packages.

⚡ Masterclasses

Guest speakers & PSM team members discussing a range of copywriting & SEO topics.

⚡ Resources

A ton of eBooks & Step-By-Step Guides on how to enhance your copy & SEO.

⚡ Account Manager

Your new BFF who’ll liaise between you and the editorial team.


One annual fee. Then look forward to…

A 49% Saving!

SEO Supercharge: $1345 USD

SEO Planning Session: $395 USD

12 x Blog Articles:* $2700 USD
* Word Counts: 1 x 2000, 2 x 1500, 2 x 1000, 3 x 750, 4 x 500

2 x Lead Magnets: $790 USD

SEO Check: $395 USD

Insta SEO Audit: $195 USD

✨Masterclasses On Copy & SEO

✨ Tons Of Resources

✨ 15% Discount On Any Extra Services


🌶️ Pepper Club Price: $2995 USD 🌶️

Pay the total up front OR choose a Payment Plan:

✅ 3 instalments: $1095 USD per month
✅ 6 instalments: $595 USD per month

🕊️ Swipe $500 Pepper Credit before Oct 25th! 💸








Easy as…

1) Ready...

Choose a payment plan ☝️ and hit Checkout 🛒 or say hi to set up a free consultation!

2) Steady...

Jump on a call with Nicole to talk about your brand & biz goals, so we can plan out your content & SEO strategy.

3) GO!

Review & approve the Keyword Strategy, blog topics & titles, add any notes to the Article Templates – then we’ll do the rest. 😊 

Relax. We’ll take care of EVERYTHING.

🙋‍♀️ For your SEO...

All we need is info on your biz goals & target audience and access to your site – we’ll handle all the keyword strategy & technical stuff.

🙋‍♀️ For your blogging...

Nicole will brainstorm topics & titles with you and send over Article Templates for notes that you want us to highlight.

Then we’ll write, edit, & upload the articles with all the back-end SEO.

You can either review each blog and give feedback OR pre-approve so all you have to do is hit ‘Publish’.

And then? Your workday just got decluttered.  😊

Your Calendar

Here’s our suggested roadmap for the year…

📆 Month 1

🚀 SEO Supercharge
☎️ SEO Planning Session
✍️ 2000-word Cornerstone Content Article

📆 Month 2

🧲 Lead Mag No. 1
✍️ 750-word How-To Article

📆 Month 3

📱 Insta Audit
✍️ 1500-word Listicle

📆 Month 4

🧲 Lead Mag No. 2
✍️ 500-word Vendor/Venue Article

📆 Month 5

✍️ 1500-word Listicle

📆 Month 6

✍️ 1000-Word Guide Article

📆 Month 7

🧑‍⚕️ Site Health Check
🔑 Keyword Check & Report
✍️ 500-word Vendor/Venue Article

📆 Month 8

✍️ 750-word How-To Article

📆 Month 9

✍️ 1000-Word Guide Article

📆 Month 10

🔑 Keyword Check & Report
✍️ 500-word Vendor/Venue Article

📆 Month 11

✍️ 750-word How-To Article

📆 Month 12

📝 Full SEO Report
✍️ 500-word Vendor/Venue Article

We’re here to help 👋

Photographers. Wedding vendors. Start-ups. Hotels.

We’ve helped 100s of creative business owners like Steph Marie (see the vid!) achieve outstanding results and raise their businesses to live-the-daydream levels through blogging & SEO 💅

Feast your eyes on more testimonials at the bottom of the page!


SEO & Blogging: Explained

📈 SEO doesn’t have to be scary

It’s simply optimising your website so it appears in front of the right kind of viewers. As a creative business, that means your future clients.

💭 The dream

Your website appears at the top of Google for search terms related to your services. 


Your ideal customers discover your site and start to explore your brand.


🛠️ The work

🔧 A well-researched keyword strategy tailored around your brand & biz goals.

🔧 These keywords carefully woven throughout your copy so the reader doesn’t notice (but Google does).

🔧 Site health checks, broken link sweeps & regular SEO-rich blog articles.

✍️ Blogs: The ultimate secret weapon

Supercharge your SEO while connecting with your clients by delivering valuable content that helps them to fall in love with your brand.

💭 The dream

You have a treasure trove of engaging & informative articles speaking to potential clients in your brand voice. 


Each article contains a link to download a free resource that turns visitors into leads.


🛠️ The work

🔧 Planning out topics & titles that will interest your audience AND allow you to naturally incorporate your Keyword Strategy.

🔧Writing & editing engaging copy and then uploading the articles with the correct back-end SEO.

🔧 Posting articles every month.

SEO is just like any other investment.

Start today and you’ll be ahead of everyone who waits until tomorrow.

Client Results

The Linns

The Arkansas photography couple went from 1-2 leads per month to a booked out autumn season after we completed their Website Copywriting & SEO Supercharge.

The Linns - Spike In Bookings After SEO

Joy Zamora

One of the world’s leading destination photographers got the top slot on Google for a range of keywords surrounding his 5 new target destinations.

Joy Zamora Destination Wedding Photographer SEO Results
Joy Zamora Wedding Photographer SEO Results

Eilish Burt

This New Zealand wedding photographer reached Page 1 of Google for a variety of her most important keywords with our Website Copywriting & SEO Supercharge.

Eilish Burt - Bay Of Plenty Wedding Photographer - SEO Results

Breezy Photography

The Canadian elopement photographer bagged the No. 1 slot AND Google’s Featured Snippet for a wide range of her target keywords with the location-targeting blogs that we created.

Breezy Photography - SEO Results - Destination Wedding In Canada
Breezy Photography - SEO Results - Wedding Vendors BC

We have a bunch more examples, testimonials & case studies like this that we love to share – say hi and we’ll send them over!

Psst. If you wanna do it yourself…

…we’ll even help out with free how-to guides! Just ask 😊

But would you rather focus 100% on your business knowing that your SEO & blogging is in safe hands?

Join. The. Club.

Stay in the spotlight rocking out with clients… 🎙 🤘

…and we’ll keep your site running, growing & thriving backstage.

Pepper Club Discounts

Members can grab any of our services at a 15% discount!

The 15% discount applies to every service: Website Copywriting, Bolt-On Blog Packages, Sales Pages, you name it. 😉

We’ll take care of all your SEO & blogging needs, all year round.

☝️ Say hi today and let’s declutter your workday! ☝️


Need more info? 👇

💰 How much money will I save?

By bundling our services together, we can offer a pretty huge discount…

The paid services total $5820 USD when bought together. 

You’ll get them all for $2995 USD.

That’s a 49% discount (a $2825 saving).

* And that’s not even counting the 15% discount on any extra service plus all of the free resources & exclusive masterclasses that we’ll send your way throughout the year. 🙌

For a full SEO & blogging package with the opportunity for even more savings – it’s definitely the smart choice!

PLUS: Join before October 25th and get an extra $500 USD early bird Pepper Credit! 🕊

💸 I've recently had an SEO Supercharge - Is it Still Worth It?

Great question!

If you’ve had an SEO Supercharge or Audit in the last 12 months (and your Keyword Strategy hasn’t changed in the meantime) then we can update your Pepper Club membership to focus purely on Blogs & Lead Magnets.

You’ll still make that awesome 49% saving and get the 12 x Blogs, 2 x Lead Magnets, SEO Planning Session, etc.

However, instead of the SEO Supercharge, we’ll create:

✨ 2 x extra Lead Mags (Value: $790)

✨ 1 x extra 2000-word Cornerstone Content SEO-charged article (Value: $350)

✨ 1 x extra 750-word SEO-charged article (Value: $200)

And you’ll still get the SEO Check to make sure your website is in tip-top condition!

This is a great way to set your site up with a bunch of quality blogs & Lead Magnets for the year … at a massively discounted price 😉

🌐 I need my website copy rewritten - should I join the Pepper club?

If you’re planning on doing a batch of blogs at any point over the next year AND you want access to all of the awesome stuff in Pepper Club at a massive discount, yes!

Let’s say you wanna totally revamp your website copy…

Join the Pepper Club for $2995 USD.

When you’re ready (either straight away or any time in the next 12 months), say hi and grab a Website Copywriting & SEO Supercharge.


Our Website Copywriting & SEO Supercharge is also $2995 USD. However…


The SEO Supercharge element is included in your membership fee, so $2995 – $1345 = $1650 USD.


Then apply the Pepper Club 15% Discount = $1402.50 USD

That’s $1402.50 for a complete rewrite of your website by an editorial team who’s already captured your perfect brand voice.

📆 Does my membership auto-renew each year?

Short Answer: Nope, it’s totally your choice to renew.

Longer Answer: We’re gonna throw in so much value throughout the year that when it comes time to renew, the Pepper Club membership will sit next to Spotify & Netflix in terms of your essential subscriptions. 😎

📝 What are the payment options?

We keep it super simple.

Pay up front and your fee for the year is $2995 USD (a 49% saving).*

* Or the equivalent value in your currency: EUR, AUD, CAD, etc.

Choose a Payment Plan and spread the payment over:

💰3 instalments: $1095 USD per month for the next 3 months. (Total payment of $3285 USD – 44% saving)

💰6 instalments: $1095 USD per month for the next 3 months. (Total payment of $3570 USD – 39% saving)


Like any investment, the sooner you start maximising your SEO and blogging strategy the better.

So whether you choose to pay up front or take out a payment plan – we will begin immediately.

🔄 Can I take some of the elements out?

We’ve tailored the Pepper Club membership to include everything that a creative business needs throughout the year, so we don’t offer the option to reduce the package.

However, you can substitute the SEO Supercharge for extra Blogs & Lead Magnets if you have already had the SEO Supercharge/Audit in the last 12 months (see the Q&A above this one ☝️).

Even if you are only interested in the SEO & blogging elements, you’ll still be spending a lot less than if you bought them separately. 😉

🧲 What are Lead Magnets? (And what's so great about them?!)

Lead Magnets are an essential part of a creative business’s online marketing strategy – but so many people don’t utilise them!

🚀 Put simply, they are pieces of content turn visitors into leads. 🚀

The Lead Magnets that we create will be a 5+ page PDF tailored to your brand. It could be a Pricing Guide, an eBook on preparing for a session, a How-To Guide on your local area…

…basically anything that speaks to your future clients and tells them a) how awesome your brand is and b) provides free value around the service that you offer.

Once a visitor downloads your Lead Magnet (from your blog, website, socials or newsletter), you gain two crucial pieces of information:

They are sold on your brand. And you have their email address.

Now take your time in nurturing that lead to turn them into a client.


How many Lead Magnets do I need?

The more the merrier! Multiple Lead Magnets allow you to appeal to a wider variety of clients, tailor them to different topics covered in your blogs and A/B test to see which Lead Magnet performs the best (which tells you more vital info about your audience).

Lead Magnets = #BookedAF

✍️ Can I also write blogs?


With a regular membership, we’ll post an article on your blog every month, so you’re all set.

However, you can add to this content schedule whenever you want. We’ll even send over a template to follow to make sure you’re hitting all of the key SEO points.


We recommend that you:

✨ Use the Keyword Strategy that we have created for you (or Keyword Planner if you want to add your own).

✨ Write like yourself and don’t lean too heavily on AI (no matter how tempting it may be!). Google can penalise AI-written content and above all else your audience wants to hear from you – not a robot. 🤖 🔫

🤷 I'm not sure what I need. Is the Pepper Club still right for me?

Let’s chat!

We want 100% happy clients, so we’ll only suggest joining the Pepper Club if:

✨ We think it’s a great fit for your business.

✨ It will save you money overall.

Our ad hoc services may offer a more suitable option, so just say hi and we’ll tailor the best package for your brand.

💕 Love From The Pepperstorm Family 💕

I worked with Pepperstorm twice and it was THE BEST EXPERIENCE EVER! The first time they did the SEO Audit on my website.

Yes, it was pricey comparing to the first one I had made on my website (I had a bad experience with that one) but the work with Dave and his team was AMAZING and worth every penny I spent!!!

I got my SEO audit done after two weeks, I was informed about every step and got a report after that.

A year after I asked Dave’s team to do rebranding, writing new copy, another SEO Audit (only what was necessary as the SEO audit from the previous time is working perfectly sending my website to the first pages of Google search).

And I am amazed again! I knew what are the steps, what will be done next, all steps were discussed with me and I love the final product!

Bernadeta Kupiec

Wedding Photographer, Scotland

Thank you so much Dave and the team from Pepperstorm.

I had the Website Copywriting and SEO audit done and couldn’t have been happier with the outcome!

Pepperstorm were so easy to work with, prompt with their responses to any questions and completely nailed my brand voice.

Cannot recommend them enough and will definitely be working with them in the future!

Maddy Bell

Wedding Photographer, Australia

Working with Pepperstorm has been awesome.

I hired some SEO “specialists” in the past and had a terrible experience. I was really concerned about trying again and yet the moment I spoke to Pepperstorm I felt understood and in safe hands.

They worked with me to make sure that everything was in my voice and reflected my values.

I highly recommend them and in fact have already referred them to colleagues.

I will continue to work with them as my company grows and I am so thankful Jai Long referred me to Pepperstorm.

Thank you, it was truly a pleasure working with you!

Linka Odom

Wedding Photographer, New Orleans


I am blown away by Pepperstorm’s incredible customer service, in-depth knowledge, and constant commitment to my success.

I’ve hired them for rolling blogs as well as migrating SEO & data from my old website to my new one on a different platform.

My account manager (huge shout out to Nicole) is so quick to respond, is always helpful, and gladly responds to one-off questions.

I literally don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t found Pepperstorm.

If you’re on the fence about hiring them, go for it!

I can promise you that it will be well worth every investment!

Jessica Erin Wenzel

Wedding Photographer, Virginia

Welcome to your new favorite investment!

Pepperstorm makes everything so easy and seamless.

Blogging – and writing for that matter – most photographers hate it.

So if you hate it, realise you don’t have to do it – outsource it!

I know outsourcing is kind of scary – but blogging was the first really big thing I outsourced and I’m so proud of every single blog on my website!

So if you want the same thing, trust them – I love them!

I use them for EVERYTHING I need content for.

They are UNREAL! Do it!

Steph Marie

Wedding Photographer & Coach, Virginia, Utah & Worldwide

I felt so overwhelmed with launching a new website, but Pepperstorm helped me feel so confident in their amazing website copywriting and SEO audit.

They made it such a personalized experience and were so incredibly kind throughout the process.

Definitely going to continue to use all their other services with my business!

Thank you, Pepperstorm!

Corine Olarte

Creative Photographer, Charlotte, NC

Pepperstorm are one of the most professional and friendly companies I’ve ever worked with.

They not only captured my voice so well in writing, but also delivered such great content and collaborated with me until I was beyond satisfied with the results.

They are an absolute dream to work with and I will definitely be coming back as a returned customer for years to come! Go with Pepperstorm – you will not be disappointed!

They went above and beyond my expectations and I can’t recommend them enough!

Keri Tan

Luxury Wedding Photographer, New York

Right from the initial email David was so friendly and informative

I feel confident that my site has been improved drastically because of Pepperstorm and I am excited to continue my working relationship with them on future posts and updates.

Highly recommend!

Ashleigh Haase

Wedding Photographer & Coach, Melbourne & Yarra Valley

Giving Pepperstorm this 5 star review will be the easiest task I do today… because wow! What can I say, but THANK YOU!

Nicole has been beautiful to converse with and the communication has been awesome. So much so, that there would always be a wee spring in my step every morning when I woke up because I knew there would be an exciting email from her (time difference thangs).

Nicole and her team absolutely nailed the brief — my style is quite niched so I wanted to be sure they understood that too, which they absolutely did.

Since Pepperstorm finished finessing my website, I embarrassingly admit I have “ooooh” and “aaahhh”ed over it more than 100 times—lol!!!

I am so damn proud of my new and improved website and that is all thanks to the Pepperstorm team, THANK YOU!!! Eilish bloody loves you xxx

Eilish Burt

Wedding Photographer, New Zealand

Dave & Pepperstorm were absolutely fantastic to work with!

They really took the time to understand our voice and brand and put together a beautiful set of copy for our website.

They explained each process which I really enjoyed.

Thanks so much guys! Looking forward to getting some blogs underway now!

Kieran Smith, Rexvil

Wedding Photographer, Adelaide

110% recommend Pepperstorm!

They were so easy to work with. Very professional and had nice quick communication. We started our website project back in October last year but when our busy wedding season hit we had to put our website copy on hold and didn’t finish it until July this year.

Pepperstorm were so great and didn’t mind us working through the drafts at our own pace.

Really appreciated that!

Now we can’t wait for them to write some blogs for us next. Thanks so much guys!

Bonita Stankiewicz, Joel & Bonita Photography

Wedding & Elopement Photographers, New Zealand

Each and every interaction with the Pepperstorm tribe has been bloody brilliant. Right from the start they knew all the right questions that powered my thinking in the right direction, sending my journey collaborating with them on all new copy for my website down an exciting path! 

Despite being on the other side of the world, I knew I was always going to wake up in the morning to find answers to my questions from the day before which was so great! 

When I got the work back from them, they had very clearly captured who I am and had me laughing out loud at a lot of the great lines they had written

Dave has also sent through great concise and easily actionable tips on the SEO side of things as well that I’m really looking forward to getting stuck in to. 

The experience has been so good that I’ve now got them helping me write all new blog post copy for me! Can’t wait to see what we can come up with together next!

Alex Szczesniak

Wedding Photographer, Adelaide, Australia

David, Nicole & the team were awesome to work with.

They have a wealth of knowledge about SEO and were able to do some awesome writing for my website.

They gave me some great advice and I feel that I’m now on the right track to getting more clicks on my website.

Taj Kempe

Wedding Photographer, SW Australia

The team at Pepperstorm completely re-did all of the copy & SEO on my website and I couldn’t be happier!

They also created a tag line for my brand that fits perfectly.

Working with Dave and Nicole was amazing from the first email, they were professional, prompt and had a lot of great ideas.

I am going to continue to work with them and I would highly recommend Pepperstorm!

Julie Dorge

Wedding Photographer, Quesnel

David and the whole Pepperstorm team were just so nice and friendly to work with.

I really appreciated that they gave me consistent updates along the way and answered all of my many questions!

They gave me a brand voice that I not only feel very excited about but it just feels so ME – so they nailed it.

I look forward to watching my SEO improve and to working with them again in the future!

Anna Treimer, Wildly Connected

Wedding Photographer, Florida

Working with Pepperstorm is always a charm!

Very recently it was Nicole who followed me through the whole process, then more than a year ago with Dave and Melanie.

They make sure everything is clear to you, always offer you solutions until you are completely satisfied, they are patient, attentive and respond quickly to requests.

This is the second time already that I’ve hired them for my website copy, and I would do it every time again, but hey, I’m still going to wish myself not to have to update my site again in a year hehe

Thanks Pepperstorm, you are simply amazing!

Myriam Ménard

Luxury Wedding Photographer, Montreal

Wanna be our next happy ecstatic client?

We’d love to have you join the family. Head to the Pepper Club Checkout 🛒 or say hi 👋 and we’ll set up a chat to discuss how we can help you smash your biz goals!