The Pepperstorm Blog

A well-maintained blog with regular, engaging content is the cornerstone of any successful website. So here’s ours.

We share copywriting advice, tips on how to improve your SEO as well as innovative social media strategies.

Why Simple Copy Is (Usually) The Best Copy

Why Simple Copy Is (Usually) The Best Copy

We’re sure you’ve heard the old adage ‘less is more’. Well, ironically, that’s a little bit of an oversimplification! Less is not more, because that would imply ‘more’ is better. It’s not. Less is better. Less is optimum. Unfortunately, that’s not catchy enough to...

UK vs. US English: How Does This Affect SEO?

UK vs. US English: How Does This Affect SEO?

Many people are under the mistaken impression that the UK and the US speak the same common language, namely the Queen’s English. For anybody who’s tried to navigate between the two tongues, this is demonstrably false. Lift vs. elevator, sidewalk vs. pavement… That’s...

5 Tips On Sales Copywriting

5 Tips On Sales Copywriting

We’ve all been on the receiving end of the ‘second-hand car salesman’ pitch. Chances are you weren’t even buying a car. That wild-eyed faux enthusiasm can rear its desperate head anywhere there’s money to be made or clients to convert – and that includes the online...

How To Find Your Writing Voice

How To Find Your Writing Voice

Whether you’re a novelist, a songwriter, a poet or a blogger, the question remains the same: how do I find my writing style? In other words, what is my voice? ‘Voice’ is quite a hard thing to define, especially as we associate it with something audible; the written...

The Power Of Positivity In Your Copy

The Power Of Positivity In Your Copy

It’s a sad fact that no one likes a pessimist. Not even the pessimist themselves. It’s also a sad fact that pessimism hasn’t been the greatest selling tool, historically. In fact, just talking about pessimism is probably putting you off reading the rest of this...