You’ve probably got the message by now, but keywords are, well, incredibly important. You simply cannot do without them. So here’s another article telling you how to make the most of these Very Important Things – this time with some help from your online forever friend, Google!
How Do I Find The Best Keywords For SEO?
A quick bit of revision first, for those in the back of the class. Keywords are an integral part of your SEO strategy. They’re words or groups of words that guide users to your site, as they replicate common search engine terms. The idea is that people search the terms and find your site in the results.
You need a range of keywords on your site, from broad to niche. You also need to be very smart about which keywords go on your main site and which ones you reserve for blogs.
Finding the best keywords for your business isn’t a simple task, but luckily there are a number of tools you can utilise to ease the process. Our top tip would be to hire a really competent media agency (couldn’t think who…!), but you can also check out other avenues.

How do I find the best keywords on Google? Short of getting these bizarre contact lenses, your best bet is Google Ads Planner.
Does Google Have A Keyword Planner?
SEMrush is one such avenue. It’s a really great tool for planning your keyword campaigns, but it also costs money (boo). Comrade Google obviously didn’t care for this roughshod capitalism, so they’ve gone and made one for free. (Time to Eat The Rich with your favourite MNC!)
It’s called Google Ads Keyword Planner, and all joking aside, it’s actually pretty awesome. It can help accentuate your keyword strategy and push you higher up those rankings – which, of course, is the name of the only game in town.
How Do I Use Google Ads Planner to Find Keywords?
Fortunately, the Google Ads Keyword Planner is streamlined and simple to use.
First, you need to set up a Google account – but seeing as everyone and their grandmother has one of those, so it’s unlikely to be an issue. Next, head into Tools & Settings and find the keyword planner. This will bring up two options:
Discover New Keywords
New keyword ideas designed to get you more traffic than the London Orbital.
Get Search Volume & Forecasts
Useful data on keyword lists – insightful, but less relevant to us at this juncture.
Head into ‘Discover New Keywords’ and you’ll be presented with two more option tabs: ‘Start with Keywords’ and ‘Start with a Website’.
In the former, you can enter words or phrases and use them as a jumping-off point to find your perfect keywords. In the latter, you can enter a URL and use that link to generate keyword ideas based on the site’s content. You can even search the entire website or a specific page of that website.
How Do I Find The Best Keyword Searches On Google?
Basically, do your research! Google Ads Planner is a fantastic tool – but it won’t do all the work for you. It’s just one part of the SEO puzzle.
You still have to bring your own ideas to the table, so before you begin stabbing in the proverbial digital dark, highlight some starting keywords for your brand and pick out the phrases that best describe you and your business. Know your audience, think what they might be searching for, and preempt those searches.
There’s definitely an art to keyword creation, and it takes a little time and skill to get the hang of it. But don’t worry if you’re feeling swamped; we are bona fide artisans and happy to help. Give us a call and let’s talk about keywords! (But not in keywords. That would just be extremely confusing.)
How To Build A Keyword List That Helps Customers Find Your Website
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