What’s The Difference Between Site Copy And Blog Copy?
Just like Charles Dickensā seminal novel A Tale of Two Cities, your website should be a tale of two copies. To achieve this, you have to know the difference between site copy and blog copy. If you’ve been finding yourself wondering “How should I approach...
7 Copywriting Tools That Will Raise Your Writing Game
How fortunate we are to live in the present day. Minus catastrophic pandemics, of course, things are pretty good for copywriters. Imagine living 100 years ago, or even 50 years ago, when all you had to rely on was a pen and paper, maybe a typewriter (if you were...
Hemingway Vs. Proust: Why Shorter Sentences (Usually) Beat Longer Sentences Online
Pity the writers. We suffer from a ubiquitous dissonance of unbridled arrogance and debilitating self-doubt, often compounded by some form of substance dependence and ceaseless procrastination. We also occasionally suffer from untreatable bouts of over-writing (see...