Are you a photographer who’s sick of scouting for work all the time? Are you hunting down clients more than shooting ’em? Welcome to SEO for photographers — your greatest ally. Search engine optimisation (SEO) links your business to people searching for your...
The reason we Google stuff (rather than Bing it) is because Google does one thing better than anyone else: organise what content their users want to see. To be considered in step with their gold standard of search, we’ll need to know how to craft content that is — you...
Have you gone through the trouble of setting up an online presence for your photography business, but can’t move the needle on getting clients? It might be time to ask yourself the question: “Do I need help writing copy for my photography site?” Because the answer is...
Who doesn’t enjoy a good question? A wise man once said, “Question everything.” But did he really mean everything? And did he mean out loud, or in your head? If you started to literally question everything, wouldn’t you be arrested and/or possibly slapped within a...
“There is nothing to writing,” Ernest Hemingway once said. “All you have to do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” Though he probably would’ve baulked at the mere suggestion, Ernest would have made a very good copywriter – that quote is a great tagline. No one’s...