5 Copywriting Tips For The Newbie Blogger
So you’ve decided to start your own blog. Good for you! Hopefully you’ve recognised the inherent value in a consistent, engaging blog, and are not simply trying to recapture some former scene kid glory from 2008. Because although ye olde blog might have an...
3 Reasons Why Excellent Website Copy Is Crucial For Hotel and Restaurant Websites
As a restauranteur or hotelier, you might think your establishment or your cuisine does all the talking for you. While this is undoubtedly the main thrust of your brand, it’s usually not the first encounter people have with your product or service. The internet...
How To Make Sure You Outsource Blog Writing Correctly
Even though everyone is well aware that in 2017, a blog is a crucial and necessary tool for a serious e-commerce site, it doesn’t stop it being a lot of work. Part of a blog’s attractiveness to readers and potential clients is the writer’s ability to...