SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a full-time job. It’s not as easy as filling out a few keywords; the keywords need to be properly researched, adapted to fit the specific aim of the content in question, links need to be devised and added, meta descriptions need to be thought up and refined and… the list goes. Marketing is even more demanding; in today’s competitive landscape, how you put yourself and your brand across to the wider world can be the difference between sinking and swimming. With all this focus on the marketing side of things, it can be easy to forget that engaging, dynamic content is at the heart of every successful online strategy. Luckily, there’s a simple answer; white-labelling your content creation.
Businesses in every industry use white-labelling to their advantage. It’s the practice of employing a boutique or bespoke company to work in tandem with your own, outsourcing specialised tasks to sector experts. When it comes to SEO and marketing, quality content creation is absolutely critical. However, it can easily end up being the last thing the team thinks about. Blog posts are an integral facet of SEO strategy. They need to be consistent, informative, precise and engaging. This is no small feat, as creating content of this nature on a regular basis can be fairly time-consuming, often resulting in copious resources being assigned.

Time is your company’s most important non-renewable resource; by white-labelling your content creation, you get to save time in order to spend it on growing your business.
In addition, it’s more than likely your company won’t have specialised writers in the team who are equipped to create the necessary content. Of course, many people with a marketing background are competent writers. However, they are not necessarily professional writers. Their copy might lack the flair and flow that professional writers can bring to a post and this crucial factor is what’s going to keep your readers interested. In that case, the best plan is to focus on what your company does best and grow it from there. White-labelling your content creation so that you’e providing your clients with the very best of both worlds will help you reap the benefits of providing an all-round professional service.
The truth of the matter is that if you don’t utilise professional writers on your blog posts, your SEO won’t count for much. Similarly, if you neglect your SEO duties, your beautiful copy won’t have a chance of being read. You have to focus on both. If you’re company specialises in marketing and SEO, focus solely on that. You don’t need to expend precious resources on tasks you can only half-accomplish. The landscape in 2019 is too competitive not to bring your A-game to every job and client you can. White-labelling is just another tool to help you do that.
SEO, PR & Brand Management: How White-Labelling Can Super-Size Your Business