5 Copywriting Tips For The Newbie Blogger

5 Copywriting Tips For The Newbie Blogger

So you've decided to start your own blog. Good for you! Hopefully you've recognised the inherent value in a consistent, engaging blog, and are not simply trying to recapture some former scene kid glory from 2008. Because although ye olde blog might have an archaic...

4 Tips On How To Optimise URLs For SEO

4 Tips On How To Optimise URLs For SEO

You can think of a URL like a fingerprint. Unless you're Nancy Drew, either of the Hardy Boys or a real-life law enforcer, fingerprints are a downright annoyance. They smudge on things, especially clean surfaces, and if you happen to have anything dirty on your hands...

How To Source The Best Free Images For Your Blog

How To Source The Best Free Images For Your Blog

You've all heard the expression 'there's no such thing as a free lunch'. Well, sometimes there's no such thing as a free image, either. Even when it says they're free. Now, this could come as some unfortunate (and confusing) news for those of us who require images for...

How Important Is The Title Of A Blog Post?

How Important Is The Title Of A Blog Post?

What's in a title? Well, when it comes to a blog post, the answer is 'a lot'. Blogging is as relevant in 2019 as it ever was, with more and more businesses choosing a consistent blog as a prime marketing tool. But writing great content is one thing, while reaching...

Don’t Make These 7 Blogging Mistakes

Don’t Make These 7 Blogging Mistakes

Blogging is an integral part of any online business, but it's surprising how little people read up on the topic before they launch into the unknown seas of blogging. There are a number of mistakes that new bloggers can fall victim to, mistakes that can be easily...

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