From Shakespeare to Dr King, writers and orators everywhere have harnessed the cosmic power of repetition. There are many reasons why this particular technique is so powerful; it establishes rhythm and exudes conviction, and studies have even shown that it can...
What Are Stop Words And What Do They Mean For SEO?
Cease! Desist! Who goes there? Halt! Heel! Yield! No! Time’s up! These are all examples of stop words. However, they are not the stop words we’re going to talk about in this article – mostly because there’s not a lot to say about them. When it comes to SEO, however,...
What Does Predictive Search Mean For SEO?
Business would be a lot easier if we could all see the future. Unfortunately, short of hiring a medium, the mists of time will remain clouded to us all. But Google does its best to read its users' collective minds in the form of predictive search. It’s not always...
What’s The Difference Between Site Copy And Blog Copy?
Just like Charles Dickens’ seminal novel A Tale of Two Cities, your website should be a tale of two copies. To achieve this, you have to know the difference between site copy and blog copy. If you've been finding yourself wondering "How should I approach copywriting...
7 Copywriting Tools That Will Raise Your Writing Game
How fortunate we are to live in the present day. Minus catastrophic pandemics, of course, things are pretty good for copywriters. Imagine living 100 years ago, or even 50 years ago, when all you had to rely on was a pen and paper, maybe a typewriter (if you were...
Hemingway Vs. Proust: Why Shorter Sentences (Usually) Beat Longer Sentences Online
Pity the writers. We suffer from a ubiquitous dissonance of unbridled arrogance and debilitating self-doubt, often compounded by some form of substance dependence and ceaseless procrastination. We also occasionally suffer from untreatable bouts of over-writing (see...
Web View Vs. Mobile View: Why It’s SO IMPORTANT To Optimise Your Site For Both
Traditionally, mobile view has been the neglected little brother of web view. An afterthought, forever in the shadow of its widescreen, bells-and-whistles, more capable older sibling. Until 2021, that is. These days, you should be paying equal attention to both...
SEO In 2021: What Does Google Have In Store For Content Creators?
Although 2020 was a garbage fire of a year for a number of reasons, one thing’s for sure: we all spent a hell of a lot of time sitting in front of our computers. Content creators all over the world saw a huge uptick in engagement and impressions with their creations,...
Why Simple Copy Is (Usually) The Best Copy
We’re sure you’ve heard the old adage ‘less is more’. Well, ironically, that’s a little bit of an oversimplification! Less is not more, because that would imply ‘more’ is better. It’s not. Less is better. Less is optimum. Unfortunately, that’s not catchy enough to...
UK vs. US English: How Does This Affect SEO?
Many people are under the mistaken impression that the UK and the US speak the same common language, namely the Queen’s English. For anybody who’s tried to navigate between the two tongues, this is demonstrably false. Lift vs. elevator, sidewalk vs. pavement… That’s...
Crowded Industry? How To Write Website Copy That Outshines Your Competitors
We all know that tacky talent show called The Voice (you’ve probably found yourself watching it at some point out of sheer desperation), where the judges swivel in their oversized chairs when they hear a voice that catches their attention. The show should actually be...
Introducing PepperStorm’s Website Content & SEO Audit
If you’ve spent any time at all in the digital sales realm, you’ve probably heard about SEO (search engine optimisation) and how important it is for your business. Here at PepperStorm, we specialise in SEO. We know it like the back of our collective hands, and we’re...