Just like vegetables, organic keywords are far superior to non-organic ones. But the key is where you put them. Like veggies, you can’t just shoehorn them in any old place. Now, you can make a stir-fry from organic vegetables – but what we definitely don’t want is an organic keyword stir-fry! Here’s some organic keyword advice we prepared earlier.
How To Place Keywords in Copy
So what is organic keyword placement? More importantly – what are organic keywords in the first place?
Put simply, they’re search terms that people type into Google. Think any number of the millions of words, phrases and questions that the earth’s population uses to clog up the internet on a daily basis. You want to preempt these phrases and place them naturally within your site.
How To Write Keywords Organically (And Why It’s Important)
The first step is to do some good ol’ fashioned research. You can use a tool such as SEMrush to do this, or start manually investigating the words and phrases typically used in your industry.
It’s so important to get these keywords and their placement correct; they will influence how visitors respond and react to your site, as well as dictate where Google puts you in the SEO rankings (i.e. whether you’re on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. page, and how high up on the page your site is placed). The more work you put in and the more you optimise your keywords, the better your results will be.
Bear in mind that you’ll have to come up with two separate strategies for both your site copy and your blog copy. Just like vegetables, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to keywords!

How to write organic keywords: throw them in a pan and stir. No, wait, that’s organic vegetables.
Tips On Organic Keyword Placement
1. Read Keywords Out Loud
It doesn’t have to be Shakespeare (although we can channel The Bard, if that’s your cup of mead), but make sure to read your keywords aloud. This will help you sniff out anything that doesn’t flow well or sound right.
2. Get Your Friends to Read Them
Use your friends as canaries down the mine. Send ’em in and see if they can suss your keywords. If they spot them easily, it’s likely that most of your audience will too.
3. Create Your Articles Around Your Keywords
Once you’ve decided on a list of keywords, you don’t have to crowbar them all in to articles or site copy that you’ve previously written. If you really want to get one across, how about coming up with an article based entirely around that one keyword? This guarantees it’ll fit right in…just like one of our chosen keywords for this article, er, ‘Tips On Organic Keyword Placement’.
4. Put Keywords In Image Captions
Your posts should have a few images interspersed between the copy, which makes image captions one of the best areas to place keywords. These can be wacky, random or just a little more eccentric than the rest of your copy, meaning that you can get away with those awkward long-tail keywords that just won’t fit anywhere else.
5. Use Keywords As Subheadings or Questions
Keywords work really well as questions; in fact, many people type full questions into Google when they want to find the answer to something. You can also use these questions as subheadings in your blogs and posts.
Bonus Tip: Don’t forget to also target keywords on the back-end of your site – in your meta descriptions, page titles and Focus Keyword entries (if you use Yoast on WordPress). Like vegetables, keywords can be good for you in a lot of ways – just make sure you’re getting the most out of them!