5 Blog Formatting Tips To Help Your Audience Digest Information
Despite a writer’s best intentions, blogs can sometimes be intimidating for readers. Insurmountable walls of text rise up out of nowhere. Points and takeaways are twisted and convoluted to the point of indecipherability. Jargon and industry speak fortify the post with...
How To Build A Business Blog From Scratch
When you think about building a website, the blog is usually the last thing on your mind. It’s the pineapple on the pizza: not integral to the whole, but a wonderful addition nonetheless. Actually, don’t take that metaphor too seriously – many people...
How To Write A Medical Blog That The Public Can Understand
Everyone knows you’ve gotta be smart if you want to study medicine. Think back to your school days. You probably knew a kid or two who had their mind set on being a doctor or surgeon. Did they come complete with natural intelligence? I’m going to put the...