wedding photography

Why Location-Based Keywords Are So Important For Wedding Photographers

by | Nov 9, 2021

Location, location, location! Yes, it’s a well-worn real estate phrase, but it can also be applied to SEO, and especially to wedding photography SEO. As enticing as a jet-setting life spent shooting destination weddings sounds, the chances are your bread and butter is going to come from weddings in your local area. Read on to find out how wedding photographers can target locations with keywords!



What Are Location-Based Keywords?


You’ve probably figured this one out by now but just so we’re all singing off the same hymn sheet, when we say ‘location-based keywords’ we’re talking about phrases that contain a pertinent location. For example, ‘elopement photography in Perth’ or ‘wedding videography in Kyoto’. It’s that simple!

These keywords are crucial for wedding photographers, as they target customers in a specific area. In other words, those customers will be searching the internet for local services; the higher up in the rankings you appear, the more likely they are to click into your site.


wedding photography in sunflower field

Specific is great… but ‘wedding photography in sunflower fields’ could be getting a little too specific.


How Wedding Photographers Should Use Keywords


We don’t need to tell you that there’s a lot of competition in the wedding photography business. You’ve no doubt got the battle scars and war stories to prove it. Location-based keywords help you get an edge over your rivals by focusing on a specific geographical area. The more specific you get, the better – precision means less competition.


How To Write Location-Based Keywords Organically


You can narrow the search options further by putting in descriptors about your service, e.g. ‘fine art wedding photography in Lisbon’, or ‘natural elopement photography in Melbourne’. Coupled with your location, this means you’re more likely to get the type of client that you’re after as you’ll be perched at the top top of the search engine results.

The only downside to location-based keywords is that they can be a little bit…obvious. Placing them naturally can be a challenge, so the best practice is to reserve these keywords for blog copy (as opposed to site copy). You want to keep your site copy lean, mean and clean; a smooth, pleasant, enticing user experience should be top of your priorities for your main site.

Blogs are written in long-form, so fitting a couple of location-based keywords in there should be no problem. In fact, blogs are the perfect place to tick off a good few of these; listicles based around a certain locale are especially useful, e.g. ‘7 Incredible Engagement Photography Locations On The Gold Coast’.



Wedding Photographer Keyword Help


Although the concept of location-based keywords is simple, taking full advantage of them (while keeping your site copy dynamic) can be a challenge. Here at PepperStorm, we love the art of the keyword and offer a keyword optimisation feature in our Website Edit & SEO Audit, as well as Blog Management services. Through our collaboration with Jai Long’s Make Your Break podcast, we’ve worked with dozens of wedding photographers who want engaging site copy and regular blog posts that attract new customers, entertain and inform their audience and make their site stand out from their peers’. If you’d like to take your website copy and SEO to the next level, let’s talk!


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