Even though everyone is well aware that in 2017, a blog is a crucial and necessary tool for a serious e-commerce site, it doesn't stop it being a lot of work. Part of a blog's attractiveness to readers and potential clients is the writer's ability to come up with...
3 Ways To Ensure Your SEO Stays Tip-Top Every Month
SEO is crucial to the success of any e-commerce site and, unfortunately, it's not a one-and-done event. You might've worked extremely hard to get to the crest of Google's search rankings for your specific keywords, but the real work is maintaining your pole position...
Don’t Make These 7 Blogging Mistakes
Blogging is an integral part of any online business, but it's surprising how little people read up on the topic before they launch into the unknown seas of blogging. There are a number of mistakes that new bloggers can fall victim to, mistakes that can be easily...
8 Top Tips To Keep Your Blog Engaging
Blogs fulfil two major roles for online businesses and e-commerce sites. The first, and arguably most important, is that they promote the site in question in search engine page rankings; the more specific content that's out there, the higher the specific site is going...
What’s The Perfect Length For A Blog Post?
So, you've done the groundwork and know that blogs are an important part of any online business strategy. You even know what you want to write about and have well-thought-out plans on how best to engage your potential customers. You're all set to write your first blog...
How Important Is SEO In 2017?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is what determines where your site or blog appears in search engine results. Taking Google as an example, their complex algorithm is an ever-evolving equation; in layman’s terms, it takes a series of factors, such as age, word count,...
6 Reasons Why Your Blog Isn’t Getting Enough Attention
Venturing into the world of blogging can be a tricky mountain to climb. In the age of social media, content is king, so getting attention on your blog is no easy feat. On WordPress alone, users create 87.6 million posts each month, spanning 24.6 billion page views....
How to Make Your Blog Post Stand Out
Making your blog or a specific post on your blog stand out from the crowd can be a rigorous feat in 2017. With WordPress users alone producing about 87.6 million new posts each month, and more than 150 million blogs on the internet, desiring to become a lighthouse...
Why Your E-Commerce Site Needs A Kickass Blog
So you've got something to sell, and, like all good businesses in the 21st century, you've turned to the internet to help you sell it. In 2017, the interface you present as your website is going to be the first experience a lot, if not all, your customers have of you...
Social Promotion: How To Make Your Brand Appear Heads And Shoulders Above The Rest
In 2017, social media is an integral part of growing a small business, website, or even blog. Effective use of social media will engage an audience and allow that engagement to spread amongst a wider group through shares and likes. While many people use social media...
Alexa, PageRank and Google Analytics: What Are They, Anyway?
Competing for online business in 2017 is fierce. The marketplace is crowded, with thousands of different companies jostling for position across hundreds of different industries. In the cluttered landscape of e-commerce, the most crucial advantages for you and your...
Why Your Blog Posts Need Both Quality And Quantity
The debate over which is more important for a successful website - quality or quantity - is an argument that’s existed since the inception of online blogs. Starting a blog can raise many questions, especially if you want your writing to reach as many eyes as possible....