When notorious creep Dr Victor Frankenstein found himself short of a few friends up there in his spooky old castle, he decided to take matters into his own hands. He created the ultimate friend, patching him together from various ‘spare parts’ he had hanging around...
How To Use Google Ads Keyword Planner To Find The Best Keywords
You’ve probably got the message by now, but keywords are, well, incredibly important. You simply cannot do without them. So here’s another article telling you how to make the most of these Very Important Things – this time with some help from your online forever...
Keyword Strategy: Should I Go Broad Or Niche?
At some point or another, most commercial enterprises will face this dilemma: go broad or go niche? Some, like Coca-Cola and Coldplay, opt for the former. Others, like Bon Iver and Etsy sellers, go for the latter. The Beatles are an example of someone who defied...
What Are ‘Private’ Pages & Blog Posts And Do They Affect SEO?
Get your mind out of the gutter – private pages have nothing to do with illicit material! (Although apparently there’s plenty of that on the internet if you care to go looking – not all of it search engine optimised, either.) Anyway, let’s keep it above board and...
SEO Cannibalisation: Should I Target The Same Keyword On Different Pages And Blog Posts?
As a general rule, cannibalism isn’t a great idea. You might get a reluctant pass if your jet plane happens to go down in the Andes; however, more often than not, you’ll get fast-tracked to jail instead. Fortunately, we’re not talking about real-life cannibalism today...
Should I Hire A Copywriting Agency Or A Freelancer?
Ah, the age-old question. The lone wolf or the travelling band? Lancelot or the whole Round Table? Sting or The Police? Peter Gabriel or Genesis? Rachel Stevens or S-Club 7? (We don’t care what you say, ‘Sweet Dreams My LA Ex’ remains A Certified Banger.) As an agency...
How To Build A Keyword List That Helps Customers Find Your Website
You might be the coolest thing since they invented bread, never mind when they started slicing it. You might be the best there is at what you do, no holds barred, excellence-as-a-habit, stone-cold brilliant. You might also do this thing of yours at a very fair price,...
How Can Destination Photographers Use Keywords To Their Advantage?
It’s all about location! At least, that’s what every real estate agent would have you believe. However, in an industry permeated by lies and half-truths ("A recent murder? In this house? I think you’re very much mistaken, sir."), this one really is accurate. For...
How To Write Podcast Show Notes That Add Value For Your Audience
Odds are you’re no more than two degrees removed from a podcast at any given social gathering. Already prolific before 2020, they’ve sprung up like hydra heads during COVID, and with good reason: podcasting is fast becoming one of the most popular content formats out...
Why WooCommerce Sites Need Regular Blogs To Increase Online Visibility
Woo! Commerce. Who doesn’t love a bit of commerce? Especially when its mercurial golden scales are tip-tip-tipping in your favour. But how can you stack the deck to move those scales? First off, you should probably get your metaphors straight. Second, if you’re using...
Why Location-Based Keywords Are So Important For Wedding Photographers
Location, location, location! Yes, it’s a well-worn real estate phrase, but it can also be applied to SEO, and especially to wedding photography SEO. As enticing as a jet-setting life spent shooting destination weddings sounds, the chances are your bread and butter is...
What Are Meta Descriptions? (And How Can They Enhance SEO?)
Meta descriptions. You’ve probably heard the term before; however, it’s one of those phrases that the eye seems to just glide over, defying a tangible definition. You know they’re important. But you don’t know what they are. Seriously, what are meta descriptions?!?...