Veganism, as well as being a worthwhile cause, is extremely in vogue at the moment. It’s a movement which has seen increasing support over the last decade or so and it’s never been hotter than in 2019. There’s no better example of this upward swing than Beyond Meat, a Los Angeles company that creates plant-based meat substitutes and went public to fantastic results. Many vegan start-ups are vying for position as industry leaders, getting off the blocks at startling speed. But as a vegan e-commerce company, how can you utilise this trend to your advantage? As popularity rises, so does competitiveness. How can you stand out from the crowd as the crowd grows ever thicker?
In any industry, the answer is always the same: be seen as an expert in your field. Be the type of site that people come to for advice or expert opinions on the subject. Not every reader who visits your site will become a customer, but in terms of SEO (search engine optimisation), every click on your site becomes valuable. If people are constantly searching you out for your opinions and expertise as well as your products then you’re going to climb the Google rankings much quicker than your closest competitors.

With veganism on the rise, the demand for quality vegan blogs is being filled by vegan e-commerce companies.
The easiest way to appear knowledgable is to publish a high-quality, consistent blog. Blogs may seem like something of a dated prospect; but in terms of today’s SEO stakes, they couldn’t be more important. As well as committed vegans, the movement is currently attracting a lot of outside interest. This means that people are intrigued about switching over, and will scour the internet to find out more. A vegan blog is a great place to share scientific info about how exactly plant-based produce is created, and fully inform those who are checking out veganism for the first time. Plus, if they trust your info, chances are they’ll return to you if and when they want to buy.
Along with a strong blog, consistent social media and newsletters can help you open a dialogue with your customers and visitors. You can keep people informed about any deals, offers or changes taking place within your company, and also use the platforms as a place to share exciting news about the development of the industry overall. Remember, veganism is on the rise right now, which means a lot of people who previously knew nothing about it are getting curious. If you can position your site as the go-to spot for all things vegan then you will help solidify your standing in the e-marketplace. A quality blog and social channels are the perfect way to achieve this.
3 Reasons Why Blogging Is Crucial For New Companies In Growth Industries