3 Reasons Why Blogging Is Crucial For New Companies In Growth Industries
Blogging might seem like a fading content strategy in the face of mounting video content, but the truth of the matter is that in 2019 it’s going to be more important than ever. Blogging is an essential part of reaching your audience and potential customers,...
How Often Should I Post On My E-Commerce Site’s Blog?
Every smart business owner should know that an online blog is a must for any serious e-commerce site. A blog can help direct traffic to your site by ranking your page higher in the search engines, and also provide readers and potential customers with an insight into...
Keyword Optimisation: Why You’re Doing It Wrong
This much you should know: in 2017, your online marketing plan must include SEO (search engine optimisation). The most integral part of SEO is keyword optimisation, or keyword research. This essentially means selecting and analysing the best and most relevant keywords...