5 Tips On Sales Copywriting

5 Tips On Sales Copywriting

We’ve all been on the receiving end of the ‘second-hand car salesman’ pitch. Chances are you weren’t even buying a car. That wild-eyed faux enthusiasm can rear its desperate head anywhere there’s money to be made or clients to convert – and that includes the online...
The Power Of Positivity In Your Copy

The Power Of Positivity In Your Copy

It’s a sad fact that no one likes a pessimist. Not even the pessimist themselves. It’s also a sad fact that pessimism hasn’t been the greatest selling tool, historically. In fact, just talking about pessimism is probably putting you off reading the rest of this...
5 Copywriting Tips For The Newbie Blogger

5 Copywriting Tips For The Newbie Blogger

So you’ve decided to start your own blog. Good for you! Hopefully you’ve recognised the inherent value in a consistent, engaging blog, and are not simply trying to recapture some former scene kid glory from 2008. Because although ye olde blog might have an...