How Can Wedding Photographers Use SEO Blog Articles To Outrank Their Competition?
It’s no secret that wedding photography is a competitive industry. From finding clients to nailing the perfect shot each time, it can feel like there’s not enough time in the day to take a coffee break – let alone manage your marketing! We totally get how hard the...
SEO In 2021: What Does Google Have In Store For Content Creators?
Although 2020 was a garbage fire of a year for a number of reasons, one thing’s for sure: we all spent a hell of a lot of time sitting in front of our computers. Content creators all over the world saw a huge uptick in engagement and impressions with their creations,...
UK vs. US English: How Does This Affect SEO?
Many people are under the mistaken impression that the UK and the US speak the same common language, namely the Queen’s English. For anybody who’s tried to navigate between the two tongues, this is demonstrably false. Lift vs. elevator, sidewalk vs. pavement… That’s...