We’re sure you’ve heard the old adage ‘less is more’. Well, ironically, that’s a little bit of an oversimplification! Less is not more, because that would imply ‘more’ is better. It’s not. Less is better. Less is optimum.
Unfortunately, that’s not catchy enough to stick in most people’s heads, but it doesn’t make it any less true. Especially when it comes to good copy. Your goal should be making your content as easy to digest as possible for your audience. Let’s take a look at why simple copy is best for you and your readers.
Why Simple Copy Is Best
‘Simple’ is sometimes seen as ‘boring’, especially by clients. They want their product or service talked about in new, dynamic, exciting ways. To that end, copywriters are often encouraged to overcomplicate things, creating detailed pitches crammed with industry-specific jargon. But this is not the way to do it.
Why? Because direct, simple language often has the most impact. For example, in everyday speech, if you want to call someone ‘difficult to work with’, you wouldn’t reach for ‘nefarious’. If you wanted to call them ‘stubborn’, chances are you wouldn’t opt for ‘obstinate’. You probably wouldn’t describe the last awesome song you heard as ‘mellifluous’.
In other words, you don’t need to mainline the contents of a thesaurus into each and every ounce of copy.
How Do You Write Good Copy?
First things first: you should always imagine you’re talking to a specific person or people when you’re writing content. If you’re selling something, think of how you might describe it to your friends. Put it in those terms. Keep it simple. Keep it positive.

When you first start learning how to write good copy, think of this guy as your target audience.
It can also help to imagine a hierarchy of goals when it comes to copy. You can take this as a basic guide to writing copy that converts.
1. Can the reader understand what I’m saying?
This is a crucial one, which is why it’s top-tier. It’s best to assume that your audience isn’t filled with experts on your topic or product, and write to them accordingly.
2. Is my copy impactful?
In other words, will the reader remember what you’ve said? Is it going to lodge itself in their brain? Will they recall it in future when they see something related to your topic? Underline it. THIS is why copy is important. THIS is what I want to say.
3. Is my copy engaging?
The final consideration is whether your copy is dynamic, fun to read and ultimately engaging. Also consider how you’re coming across; ideally, it’s as an expert in your field.
Of course, all three points are important, but the structure above is the correct one. Some copywriters reverse the order, placing primary importance on coming across as a boffin. If you do this, you run the risk of alienating a large chunk of your audience, reducing the utility of your blog in the process. Remember, a business blog is not a personal podium. It is a selling tool.
Copywriting Made Simple
Ultimately, remember that your job as a copywriter is to forge the path of least resistance to your audience. You can still be creative; just don’t neglect the basics while you do. Maybe try out your copy on a golden retriever first. If he gets it, move on to a five-year-old child. If you find further success, you could be on to something.