5 Tips On Organic Keyword Placement

5 Tips On Organic Keyword Placement

Just like vegetables, organic keywords are far superior to non-organic ones. But the key is where you put them. Like veggies, you can’t just shoehorn them in any old place. Now, you can make a stir-fry from organic vegetables – but what we definitely don’t want is an...

How To A/B Test Your Sales Copy

How To A/B Test Your Sales Copy

So, you want to write sales copy that converts? Good on you – that’s a step in the right direction. But wait! Isn’t that what EVERYONE is trying to do?! Unfortunately, yes – they’re all at it. So how can you stand out in an internet of businesses who are all trying to...

How To Write Calls To Action That Actually Work

How To Write Calls To Action That Actually Work

Lights! Camera! Action? Well, you’d certainly hope so. However, not all calls to action actually result in action - which can be hugely problematic when you’ve taken the trouble to set up the lights and camera. If a tree falls in the forest, does anyone actually hear...