Just like vegetables, organic keywords are far superior to non-organic ones. But the key is where you put them. Like veggies, you can’t just shoehorn them in any old place. Now, you can make a stir-fry from organic vegetables – but what we definitely don’t want is an...
How To A/B Test Your Sales Copy
So, you want to write sales copy that converts? Good on you – that’s a step in the right direction. But wait! Isn’t that what EVERYONE is trying to do?! Unfortunately, yes – they’re all at it. So how can you stand out in an internet of businesses who are all trying to...
How To Write Calls To Action That Actually Work
Lights! Camera! Action? Well, you’d certainly hope so. However, not all calls to action actually result in action - which can be hugely problematic when you’ve taken the trouble to set up the lights and camera. If a tree falls in the forest, does anyone actually hear...
How To Structure Your Blogs For Maximum Stickiness
As a general rule, you don’t want things to be sticky. Carpets. Walls. Kids’ faces. Stickiness isn’t a desired quality in the majority of items, unless it’s glue... or blogs! Sticky blogs are optimum. The stickier the better. But how can you achieve the desired...
Why Are Questions So Effective For SEO Copywriting? Well, Why?!
Who doesn’t enjoy a good question? A wise man once said, “Question everything.” But did he really mean everything? And did he mean out loud, or in your head? If you started to literally question everything, wouldn’t you be arrested and/or possibly slapped within a...
How To Optimise Headings For SEO
Conventional wisdom claims that, as copywriters, we have about five seconds to grab the reader’s attention and keep it. Five seconds is about the span of a heading. So you have a headline’s worth of time to reel your audience in, otherwise they’re back in the river....
What’s The Difference Between Writing And COPYwriting?
“There is nothing to writing,” Ernest Hemingway once said. “All you have to do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” Though he probably would’ve baulked at the mere suggestion, Ernest would have made a very good copywriter – that quote is a great tagline. No one’s...
How To Write Landing Page Copy That Actually Converts
A landing page is exactly that: a place where you want your potential customers to land. Think of yourself as one of those people who guides planes into airports with orange sticks. They’re crucial in making sure the plane nails its landing and parks itself in the...
How Do I Customise My 404 Page? (And Is It Worth It?!)
Here’s the thing. Every single part of your page needs to reflect your brand voice – even the dead ends. It’s not just the upfront copy you need to worry about! Your whole website is an advertisement for your company, so make sure to give it some personality. Even if...
How To Optimise A Blog Post’s URL
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. Now that you know that information, feel free to forget it. Outside of quizzes (and they’re soooo 2020, are we right?), you’ll probably never have cause to use it. What is important is what URLs do, and how they can be...
No! Don’t! Why You Should NEVER Use Negative Words In Your Copy
The 1998 film masterpiece The Negotiator is probably not the best place to school yourself in real-life hostage negotiation techniques. But when it comes to the slightly lower-stakes arena of copywriting, it’s probably as good a place to start as any. What Samuel L....
How Can SEO And Blogging Improve Domain Authority?
‘Respect my authoritah!’ was the immortal line uttered by Eric Cartman in Season Two of comedy blockbuster South Park. (Admit it, you read it in his voice.) Like the show, the line has immortally endured, so much so that we are actively quoting it in an article about...