Whether you've been tinkering with your site's SEO for years or have just launched your first company blog, you almost certainly need an SEO overhaul to sort out the kinks, changes and updates that are forever popping up. So, let’s take a look at what SEO is, how it...
When Should A Startup Consider Outsourcing Its Content Creation?
Embarking on a startup can sometimes feel like a delicate balancing act, especially in the early stages. There's so much to do and plan that knowing the best way to allocate your financial resources can be tricky. In the cyclonic flurry of getting a startup, well, up...
How Important Is The Title Of A Blog Post?
What's in a title? Well, when it comes to a blog post, the answer is 'a lot'. Blogging is as relevant in 2019 as it ever was, with more and more businesses choosing a consistent blog as a prime marketing tool. But writing great content is one thing, while reaching...
Does Bulk Following/Unfollowing Still Work For Instagram And Twitter?
Follow/Unfollow is a common growth tactic on both Instagram and Twitter. The method's aim is to gain highly-targeted followers and it's essentially as simple as it sounds; you bulk-follow a large number of people from your target audience, before unfollowing them a...
Quality Control: What Good Web Copy Says About Your Business
Writing good copy is both an art and a science. The main goal of course is to connect with your potential customers, but you also have to appear knowledgeable, competent, and even a little humorous. In the age of digital commerce, 99% of the time you don't get the...
How Often Should My Business Post On Social Media?
In 2019, it's easy to be overwhelmed by social media. However, everybody who runs any kind of business knows that a social media presence is critically important. There's a multitude of social media channels out there to utilise and some may suit your particular...
When’s The Best Time To Tweet?
Twitter has a massive average monthly user base of 330 million and counting. This makes it both an invaluable tool for businesses and an amazing platform that can connect you with audiences on a global level. The problem is, how do you know that you're getting the...
Social Content Calendars: Why Perfect Copy Is So Important
The adage 'quality over quantity' can be applied to pretty much every industry across the board. While online content creation may have leaned the other way for the last few years, creators and businesses across the internet are currently discovering the inherent...
How Vegan E-Commerce Companies Can Stand Out From The Crowd
Veganism, as well as being a worthwhile cause, is extremely in vogue at the moment. It's a movement which has seen increasing support over the last decade or so and it's never been hotter than in 2019. There's no better example of this upward swing than Beyond Meat, a...
WordPress, Squarespace, Shopify: Which Is Best For Your Business?
Many start-ups find themselves asking the following question; what's best for my business? There are many ways in which this question can be applied, depending on the type of business you're setting up. But in 2019, one thing is for certain - all businesses need a...
3 Ways A Regular Blog Can Help Personal Trainers
You might think that computers and blogs have very little to do with personal training. It's a physical endeavour, one that requires commitment, dedication, and a clear head far removed from a computer or phone. While all this is true, personal training is also a...
3 Reasons Why You Should Outsource Social Media Management
There are plenty of good reasons why you should manage your own social media platforms. However, practically speaking, it's almost always necessary to outsource this management to someone else. Why is this? It's simple really; in 2019, social media is such a...