Quality Control: What Good Web Copy Says About Your Business
Writing good copy is both an art and a science. The main goal of course is to connect with your potential customers, but you also have to appear knowledgeable, competent, and even a little humorous. In the age of digital commerce, 99% of the time you don’t get...
Why SEO & Marketing Companies Should Consider White-Labelling Their Content Creation
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a full-time job. It’s not as easy as filling out a few keywords; the keywords need to be properly researched, adapted to fit the specific aim of the content in question, links need to be devised and added, meta descriptions...
How A Monthly Newsletter Can Increase Engagement And Sales
In the era of digital commerce, communicating with your clients is paramount. A dynamic and well-written blog can provide a strong foundation for an online company, but ideally it should be doubled up with a monthly newsletter; this will give you the opportunity to...