For those of you out there who are straight-up rock stars when it comes to blog writing and website content, just churning out idea after idea and beautifully written copy — we salute you! It’s not easy for everyone and it can be time-consuming (if you’re thinking...
If you’re reading this, we can safely assume you’ve got your stunning Showit site already in place, proudly displaying your photography portfolio and services to the world. Well done! You’ve got your digital storefront. Now you just need to set up a blog on your...
A bit like a puppy leaving “pee-mail” on his morning walk so he can tag his mates (sniff, read and reply! 🐶), geotagging photographs on your website also helps other people discover you and your business locally. In this blog we’ll discuss the link between geotagging...
Conventional wisdom claims that, as copywriters, we have about five seconds to grab the reader’s attention and keep it. Five seconds is about the span of a heading. So you have a headline’s worth of time to reel your audience in, otherwise they’re back in the river....
Cease! Desist! Who goes there? Halt! Heel! Yield! No! Time’s up! These are all examples of stop words. However, they are not the stop words we’re going to talk about in this article – mostly because there’s not a lot to say about them. When it comes to SEO, however,...