Sales Page Copywriting

You’ve spent blood, sweat and tears to get your audience all the way to the finish line…

…don’t let them trip up because of your copy.

Launching a course, workshop or retreat is all about persuasion. Convincing the reader that this purchase INVESTMENT will enhance their business/career/life.

So what does that mean for your sales page?

Every. Word. Counts.

Sales Page Copywriting
Sales Copywriting Service

How to write the ultimate sales page:

Convincing Copy - Sales-driven sentences that persuade the reader that your launch is essential to their success.

Clear Layout - A smooth and easy-to-follow flow that informs the reader without ever confusing them.

SEO - A targeted keyword strategy that attracts passive leads from Google.

Brand Consistency - A smooth user journey from your newsletter, socials posts or ads to your sales page.

Digestible Content - Explain your launch in easy-to-understand steps and don't give them a reason to click away.

Calls-To-Action - Make it as easy and attractive as possible for them to sign up.

What’s Included?


Here’s What’s Inside Our Sales Page Copywriting Package

First up, we’ll jump on a call to get to know your brand, understand what you’re offering, establish goals and discuss your target audience.

Deep-diving into your brand will allow us to capture your ideal voice and properly understand all of the necessary info about your launch…

…so that we can convince your audience that it’s the best thing since Pop Tarts drizzled in honey.*

* You haven’t tried it? Do it nooooow 🍞 🍯

Check out our case study below and then shoot over an email or DM for more testimonials, results and decadent breakfast tips.


We’ll create a custom quote based on your specific requirements – we’d love to tailor a package, so say hi today!

Sales Copy

Our copywriting team will create  dynamic, persuasive copy that encourages readers to hit ‘Invest’.


We’ll learn your brand voice and adapt it to be more sales-driven (without being too pushy!).


You’ll get your own Project Manager who will relay between you and the editorial team and will share the draft copy Google Docs so you can greenlight all content before it goes live.

Launch Goals

We’ll discuss your goals, deliverables and target audience so we can tailor the copy in the most detailed and persuasive way possible.

UX Flow & Content Optimisation

Our UX specialist will offer on-page optimisation tips including layout, word count and text box placement to ensure that the user journey of your sales page is firing on all cylinders.


We’ll discuss which areas, locations, services, etc. that you want to target and make sure we have plenty of long-tail keywords on these subjects.


We will complete all of the back-end SEO, including a meta description, keywords, tags, categories, internal and external links, etc. to increase the chances of your sales page climbing the search engine rankings.


Our editorial team will upload all of the copy to your site (once you’ve signed off on the final proof) so that you’re completely hands-free.

Case Study

Lemon Retreats

Kirstin Hauk is a leading wedding photographer in Vienna who’s launching a surf & skill-sharing retreat in Sri Lanka to help photographers rest and reset after a busy wedding season.

We’ve worked together on a Website Copywriting & SEO Audit and create regular Rolling Monthly blogs for her brand, Myrtle Weddings, so we jumped at the chance to create a sales page for this retreat!

We set up a Brand Voice & Strategy session to discuss and advise on word count, brand tone, page layout and UX flow as well as goals for her launch.

While most of the leads will come from direct marketing (newsletter, social media, etc.), SEO is still important.

Kirstin Hauk - Myrtle Weddings - Wedding Photographer

As the retreat will take place over a year from when the page goes live, there’s the potential for passive leads from organic search traffic – so we also created a subtle keyword strategy that wouldn’t distract from the key information and brand voice.

Kirstin wanted a clean and clear landing page that represents her relaxed, philosophical ethos, encouraging visitors to sign up to the retreat without being too pushy.

She also wanted to highlight the star line-up of speakers and create a few taglines for the experience, optimising the copy for pull-quotes that she could share on social media.

Here’s a step-by-step process on how we created Lemon Retreats’ Sri Lanka Photographer Retreat Sales Page.

Page Flow

We begin with the question ‘Need a break?’ as a headline to capture attention, establish the tone and then lead into a paragraph that uses empathetic language to indicate that Kirstin (the host) knows exactly the type of pressures that the reader faces.👇

Sales Copywriting - Sri Lanka Photography Retreat

We move on to a catchy strapline that sums up the ethos of the retreat in three words and then uses ellipsis to draw the readers’ attention towards the keyphrase of ‘in Paradise’.👇

Sales Copywriting tagline - Sri Lanka Photography Retreat

We then explain what sort of skills will be taught at the retreat, clearly highlighting not only what attendees will learn but why this will be useful for them in their creative and business lives.👇

Sales Copywriting Overview - Sri Lanka Photography Retreat

We reaffirm that it is hosted by someone who knows the industry and its challenges in order to strengthen the bond of empathy and trust between Kirstin and the reader.👇

Sales Copywriting Biography - Sri Lanka Photography Retreat

A strong, bold title sets up the Industry Leader box where we list the guest speakers (you’ll see a familiar name!) and explain who they are, their presence in the industry and what they will bring to the retreat. 👇 👉 ☝️

Sales Copywriting Workshop Leaders - Sri Lanka Photography Retreat

Now we properly introduce the host, writing in her brand voice and in first-person so that the reader feels as if they are in direct communication with her. We explain her background, why she picked this destination and how it combines all of her passions, which shows that this retreat is about so much more than just business for Kirstin.👇

Sales Copywriting Host Bio - Sri Lanka Photography Retreat

Now we’ve established a bond of trust, we ‘shock’ the reader with a short, sharp, declarative sentence that uses a rare negative word with ‘won’t‘, grabbing the attention and stating that this won’t be like any typical retreat – they can expect something much, much more. 👇

Sales Copywriting Service - Sri Lanka Photography Retreat

We then list the four cornerstone benefits of the retreat, starting with Ways To Diversify Your Income and we add the lemon emoji (🍋) as a cute branding touch in betweeen each paragraph.👇

Sales Copywriting Service Benefits - Sri Lanka Photography Retreat

Here’s our first call-to-action – it’s clear and direct, creating a sense of FOMO with the scarcity marketing of ‘only 9 spots’ while offering options for payment .👇

Sales Copywriting CTA - Sri Lanka Photography Retreat

We then address the reader directly and list a string of attributes & desires that are designed to connect with the ideal attendee.

Remember – there are only 9 spots, so Kirstin wants to be sure that she fills them with the right kind of people who are going to appreciate the retreat and bring value as well as take it.👇

Sales Copywriting Call To Action- Sri Lanka Photography Retreat

Finally, we detail all of the fantastic practical elements of the retreat (the boutique resort and its heavenly surroundings), so this almost like a bonus after learning what they will get from the speakers. 👇

Sales Copywriting For Photographers- Sri Lanka Photography Retreat

We then add a final call-to-action that includes a new incentive – an early bird ticket – to finish the sales page and get the reader over the finishing line. 🏁

Sales Copywriting For Photographers - Sales CTA - Sri Lanka Photography Retreat

I already had several attempts trying to outsource copywriting, the results never sounded like me, I was always disappointed – I thought I would never find anyone who would speak my tone. Things changed when I met David from Pepperstorm.

We had some conversations and I thought, I’ll try outsourcing copy once more. I am so glad I did! The whole experience of working together was amazing from the beginning. The onboarding call with Dave and Nicole, the questionnaires they sent – that all gave me a good feeling that they really try and understand my brand tone. From filling out the questionnaires I was eagerly waiting for the three tones they’d bring back to me. And when they did – I was mind blown – they matched my tone pretty much straight away and communicated so well, like I never do with written words! With efficient google doc feedback loops it was a great process to find my brand voice. They wrote the whole copy of my soon to launch wedding website, including vendor research.

When I reached out again – with a new request for a sales page for a retreat I was planning – they took off all the hard work of how to put the idea into words. Launching a new product is scary enough, having experts working on the copy took off a looot of stress. As a creative arty person, it’s not my strength to sell at all. I was totally convinced of my retreat and the concept, but finding words to convince others – doesn’t come natural to me at all. I am super happy with the result and I was so happy to share the new site to the world!​

Kirstin Hauk

Photographer & Retreat Host, Myrtle Weddings & Lemon Retreats

Next Steps

Ready to give your launch the best chance of success? 🚀

A new product, service, online course, mailing list sign-up, e-book, virtual donkey rides*…whatever it is that you’re selling on the internet, a finely tuned sales page is your ticket to converting the ‘merely browsing’ visitors to the ‘gimme-this-right-now!’ clients.

Say hi below and we’ll tailor the best sales page copywriting service for your brand.

* We’re yet to bag a client in this niche but if that’s you, your first sales page is on us.


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